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Author Archives: Gerald Clark

East Orange NJ Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss Hazards to Watch Out For

By Clark Law Firm |

There are so many different hazards to watch out for when you are out and about in New Jersey. East Orange NJ personal injury lawyers discuss some hazards to watch out for when you’re out and about in “The Garden State.” Whether you are simply running day-to-day errands or meeting a friend for dinner… Read More »

New Brunswick NJ Construction Accident Law Firm Shares Why Accidents Happen

By Clark Law Firm |

There are many different factors that go into why construction site accidents happen in New Jersey.  One of the most common themes we come across in handling numerous construction injury cases is that contractors often cut corners to bid lower on jobs; and thus, the safety of labor workers is compromised.  In other instances,… Read More »

Newark NJ Construction Accident Law Firm Shares 6 Types of Work Accidents

By Clark Law Firm |

Every day New Jersey construction workers risk their lives so that we can live in apartment complexes, skyscrapers, and work out of corporate offices. Even though the construction industry is regulated by OSHA and there are strict rules and regulations to follow; construction accidents still happen. Furthermore, not all contractors follow the rules and… Read More »

Abogado de Accidentes de Coche en Newark Comenta sobre la Aparición Tardía de Síntomas de Lesiones

By Clark Law Firm |

Supongamos que tienes un accidente de coche en la New Jersey Turnpike y tu coche queda destrozado, pero sales con solo unos pocos rasguños y te consideras afortunado. Y aunque puedes sentirte aliviado de no haber resultado gravemente herido, hay lesiones que pueden surgir más tarde. Como abogado de accidentes de coche en Newark… Read More »

Advogado de acidentes de carro de Newark comenta sobre sintomas de lesões de início tardio

By Clark Law Firm |

Vamos supor que você sofreu um acidente de carro na New Jersey Turnpike e seu carro foi totalmente destruído, mas você sai apenas com alguns arranhões e se considera sortudo. E embora possa estar aliviado por não ter se ferido gravemente, existem lesões que podem surgir mais tarde. Como advogado de acidentes de carro… Read More »

Newark Car Accident Lawyer Shares the Delayed Onset of Injury Symptoms

By Clark Law Firm |

Let’s suppose you get into a car accident on the New Jersey Turnpike and your car is totaled but you walk out with a few scratches and consider yourself lucky.  And while you may be relieved that you were not seriously injured; there are delayed injuries that may resurface later. As a Newark car… Read More »

Newark Construction Accident Lawyer Explains Your Rights After an Accident in NJ

By Clark Law Firm |

It is a known fact that the construction industry is a dangerous industry to work in. If you are unfortunately injured on a construction site or working as a laborer; it is imperative to know what your rights are. A Newark construction accident lawyer shares what your rights are if you have been injured… Read More »

East Orange NJ Car Accident Lawyers Share How Road Hazards May Cause Car Accidents

By Clark Law Firm |

Even though many accidents in New Jersey are because of human error or perhaps someone was driving under the influence; there are also a lot of car accidents caused by road hazards. East Orange NJ car accident lawyers share some common road hazards that can cause automobile and truck accidents in New Jersey below…. Read More »

East Orange NJ Car Accident Lawyer Explains How to Protect Yourself from Road Rage

By Clark Law Firm |

I’m sure you’ve heard stories on the news about how road rage can turn into devastating car accidents for those involved. According to Safe Motorist, 12,610 injuries were attributed to road rage during a 7-year time span. Hopefully, you never have to come across an instance of road rage on the New Jersey Turnpike;… Read More »

Personal Injury Lawyers File Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly Ozempic and Mounjaro Lawsuit

By Clark Law Firm |

Recently a personal injury law firm filed a lawsuit against Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly. These drug companies are the manufacturers of drugs called Ozempic and Mounjaro.  Ozempic and Mounjaro serve as diabetes and weight loss drugs. It has been discovered that multiple patients came forward stating that they experienced severe gastroparesis aka a… Read More »
